
Accounts payable and
payment automation

AI-optimized bill payment schedules maximize
cash savings.

Real-time AP visibility

Real-time AP visibility

No more offline spreadsheets to check payables. SimpliPay streamlines all payables data in one simple and intuitive platform. With a single click, you can check your upcoming payments, strategic suppliers, and much more.

Manage your supplier programs

Manage your supplier programs

Forget offline spreadsheets to track early payment discounts, volume discounts, late payment penalties etc. SimpliPay streamlines everything for you by automatically calculating payment amounts and optimizing payment schedules.

Optimal payment schedules

Optimal payment schedules

No more complex decisions in creating payment schedules. SimpliPay’s unique AI-optimizer maximizes your cash savings with a single click.

Approval workflows

Approval workflows

Do you still manually approve supplier payments? Avoid this audit nightmare of tracking payment approvals. SimpliPay’s intelligent workflows ensure all your approvals are tracked and approved by the right authorities in your business.

Digital payments

Digital payments

No more cutting manual checks and posting them in the bank. With SimpliPay’s digital payments, just set up your payments and it does the rest by paying optimally and maximizing your cash-on-hand. Easy, wasn’t it?

Use Cases

AP professionals

AP professionals

